Fast-forward to now, where I am married to a man so perfect for me I couldn’t have dreamt him up if I tried. But he didn’t magically take shape as I peered into a distant sunset, or bump into me in a meet-cute from a Hollywood romcom.
I was only able to recognize him as the gem he is after my therapist pointed out how my anxious attachment style was keeping me from creating a secure romantic relationship. By understanding this shadow, I was able to realize that my now husband is everything I always wanted but never knew.
Today, I teach people on the search for real, lasting love how to attract and maintain secure, happy, lasting relationships by understanding how their own attachment patterns are keeping them stuck in relationships that—let’s be honest— aren’t really going anywhere, and to reprogram their love mindset to knowing that they are capable and deserving of the most magical love there is.
If knowledge is power, then it follows that knowledge also empowers. It is my hope that our work at Truer Love will empower you to trust + love yourself so that you can create the kind of love that you truly deserve — one with someone who is present, committed, and emotionally available.
A love that surpasses everything you ever dreamed of because it’s REAL.
This, to me, is the power of truer love.